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Tips for Travelling with your Nanny


Though we may be staying closer to home than in previous years, if you are asking your nanny to join you on a trip away, our top trip tips may prove helpful.

Discuss the trip well beforehand

Even though you may have agreed when your nanny began that travel would be expected, it’s good practice to give ample warning and discuss the exact dates, the type of trip and the general schedule for your time away. Show that you respect your nanny’s time outside work by asking if there are any conflicting plans she has already made. Negotiate a reasonable compromise wherever possible. Explain the accommodation you will provide and discuss meal arrangements. All reasonable out of pocket expenses connected with the trip should be compensated.

Consider if it makes sense to vary your nanny’s working pattern during the time away.

Depending on the style of your trip you may find that your need for childcare is slightly different. For example, you may wish to spend one to one time with your child/ren during the late mornings and over lunch time, giving time off in the middle of the day, but asking your nanny to cover early morning and breakfast times, then the late afternoon through to bedtimes. Perhaps relatives with be on hand to help? Will babysitting be needed?

Discuss the logistics and likely structure of the days and ask your nanny’s advice as to what might work well to ensure the children’s needs are met consistently.

Arrival and departure days can be hectic, consider logistics and plan accordingly

Depending on your day of departure, it may mean that a nanny normally free on weekends is required on a Saturday or Sunday. Discuss your preferences: Most experienced nannies will understand the need to be somewhat flexible. It‘s often of benefit to have a greater level of support during the first couple of days away; young children can often initially be exhausted from the journey and unsettled in a new location. It’s also more practical to offer a nanny any full days off during the middle of a trip: everyone will have had the chance to settle in and be more familiar with the surroundings.

Do keep in mind that it’s not a holiday for your nanny

No matter how pleasant the destination or luxurious surroundings. S/he is there as a professional to support your family and help you to have a restful and enjoyable break. It’s very important that any work in addition to the hours contracted or care of any other children (cousins or children of friends for example) is discussed, agreed and compensated according: Time off in lieu is sometimes preferred). Offer your nanny the choice if you are able.

Having everything agreed verbally and then confirmed in writing before departure, means that all is clear from the outset and the trip is likely to be a wonderful escape for everyone!

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